Instagram Powerlikes 2022 – What are Powerlikes & how they can grow your page



Getting your posts to trend on Instagram is getting harder and harder. That’s mainly because Instagram’s algorithm is pickier than ever, as likes and comments aren’t enough to get your content to stand out anymore.

So, how do Powerlikes get into play here?

This article will tell you all you need to know about Instagram Powerlikes and what you are missing to get your content to go viral.


Powerlikes have been around for a few years now and have already proven to be very effective when it comes to getting Instagram posts more visibility.

Instagram Powerlikes are likes from real and good quality accounts- profiles with good engagement and high following. These likes start appearing automatically on your post almost as soon as you publish it.

As most of you might already know, posts that receive a high number of likes in a short amount of time usually get on the Explore Page – a page that shows top-performing posts from users all over the world. This allows users to reach bigger audiences besides their followers, as people don’t have to follow you to see your content on the Explore Page.

To put it simply, Powerlikes increase your chances of getting on the Explore Page and can help your content go viral.


To understand how Powerlikes work, you’ll first need to take Instagram’s ever-changing algorithm into consideration.

As you’ve probably heard before, Instagram has an algorithm that calculates what to show you based on your likes/saves, your searches and your interactions.

However, it also calculates how high to rank a post based on how well the post does within its first few hours. If a post gets a lot of likes and views in a short amount of time, Instagram identifies that a lot of people are enjoying that content, which will make them boost it to an even larger audience by placing it on the Explore Page.

That’s how Powerlikes use Instagram’s algorithm to your advantage.

Within a few minutes after you post, your content starts receiving Powerlikes from good quality accounts of real Instagram users. These might include Influencers, entrepreneurs, athletes, small brands and even some celebrities that will interact with your post. This helps boost your post to the Explore Page, where your content is shown to an audience besides your followers.

The Explore Page shows you posts and profiles that have received likes from the accounts you follow. This means that, when these accounts with high following like your post, it’ll be shown to their followers.

If your content performs well in the first few minutes with that new audience, you will be exposed to an even larger audience and have the potential to go viral.

Considering your content will be shown on the Explore Page to people that don’t follow you, this is your opportunity to get more organic followers and engagement, so make sure to only post high-quality content that has the potential to go viral. We shared several other tips on how to maximize your Instagram account in our free eBook.

Over time, Powerlikes can really help you establish a bigger and stronger follower base.


Buying Likes and buying Powerlikes is not the same. Actually, the difference between them is way more significant than you might think at first.

When you buy Likes from a company, chances are a lot of the accounts liking your posts are either bots or shady/spammy accounts, which will most likely get Instagram’s attention for suspicious behaviour. If Instagram notices a bunch of bots liking your posts, they will most definitely suspend or ban your account.

So, yes, you should always think twice before buying cheap Likes from someone, even if they advertise that the engagement comes from “real people”. Cheap + no bots + thousands of likes? It’s probably a scam.

That’s where Powerlikes are a game-changer. Powerlikes can vary in quality from provider to provider. But generally the Powerlikes networks are always made up of real people. In our case, they are high quality USA & European only users with many bigger influencer accounts too. Considering they are legitimate accounts, Instagram won’t flag their likes and it’ll be considered organic engagement on your post. Hence the “power” of such likes!

If you join a really good Powerlikes service (such as ours!) then you’ll find you also get likes from many Influencers with high following and high engagement on their own page. And when an Influencer account likes your post, the algorithm automatically ranks it higher.



Years of experience in this field have made us leaders when it comes to delivering Instagram Powerlikes and Followers.

As the algorithm changed, we started noticing that Powerlikes weren’t as effective anymore. So, we investigated. And we got our answer.

After detecting a lot of “inauthentic activity”, Instagram had to step up their game and only give extra organic exposure to those that have a realistic mix of likes, views, saves, shares and profile visits.

Based on what we learned, we launched a new network called “Powerlikes PRO” which includes a lot more than just likes and is much more effective at expanding your organic reach. Although likes and comments are still very important, we discovered that you also need Views, Saves, Shares and more Profile Visits to make your posts stand out, reach the explore page and rank higher up on hashtag pages.

When you subscribe to one of our monthly Powerlikes PRO plans, you’ll get Powelikes, Views, Saves, Shares & Profile Visits in an optimized ratio from our exclusive, high quality USA and European network. The service works automatically when you post and is delivered in a way to imitate organic engagement.

We still provide the classic “Powerlikes” service to give you high quality USA / EU Likes and Views. If you just want more social proof for a reasonable price then PowerLikes may be all you need and it does have some organic benefits. However, if you’re really serious about upping your Instagram game, you need to get yourself on a PowerLikes PRO subscription plan.

Our service doesn’t require your password or any other sensitive information. Beware of companies that ask for your password, as they can hack into your account and get you suspended or permanently banned.


Absolutely! From the very first post using Powerlikes PRO, you’ll be able to see a huge difference on your insights.

As a result of the boost of engagement, you should expect to see more organic reach and impressions on your posts. Many of these impressions would have come “from Explore” - this is how you know for sure if you hit the explore page.


Many may consider Powerlikes to be a “black hat service”, and they are not completely wrong. In theory, Instagram does not want you to buy engagement or followers.

However, major celebrities and Influencers’ success on social media relies on those same “black hat” tactics and can even go beyond Powerlikes. Yet, Instagram doesn’t seem to be bothered by it, as they profit from having these high-profile people having such popularity on their platform.

It’s not news that major celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Ariana Grande have been caught with fake fan pages that help bring attention to them and keep them relevant in the community. More so, investigations have uncovered that almost half of their followers are also fake.

Powerlikes provide a chance to grow legitimate businesses and personal brands in an already fixed digital environment that has been monopolized by these same celebrities that use them the most. So, if you are having a hard time growing your Instagram page and marketing your brand, we say give Powerlikes a try.

That being said, it’s also important to mention that not all companies offering Powerlikes will deliver what they advertise. Make sure to check reviews and do your research before purchasing and beware of any signs of scam: very low prices but high promises (if the prices are low, there is no way they are selling you engagement from real people), asking for your personal information (like your passwords) or vague/unresponsive customer service.


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